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College General forms men for the priesthood after the model of Jesus Christ– teacher, priest, and shepherd.

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Charles Boromeo Anak Markos


Peace be with you all.

A vocation to the priesthood is a special calling from God. I have my own story about how I responded to this call. I was born into a Catholic family. My vocation started in my family. Even though it is not really clear, I believe that I was inspired by my mother. When I was a child, I used to follow her to pray in the longhouse either to say the rosary, share birthday blessings, attend funeral service or house blessing. My mother was a prayer leader in my long house. This made me really want to serve the people.

At the age of 13, I joined as an altar server in my parish. From there I started to learn about liturgy in the church. The best moments that I still remember were when Fr. Alphonsus brought us to Kuching, and we had an opportunity to come and see (John 1:46) St. Peter College where the seminarians stayed and studied. We stayed there for 3 days and 2 nights. This experience touched my heart and inspired me to explore more about their lives and their callings to become priests. Besides that, I was actively involved in catechism classes, initially as an assistant in the catechism class, but later in teaching catechism for Baptism. From here, I started to accompany my Rector and Catechist to serve and to teach catechism in the long houses.

I still remember while I was travelling with Fr. Alphonsus to the longhouse that I often talked to him about my desire to become a priest. He helped me a lot to discern about my vocation. After I had finished my Form 5 and while waiting for my SPM results, Fr. Alphonsus sent me to join the Vocation Camp in Bintangor. At that camp, I started to say my own daily prayers by using the Divine Office book. After completing my studies in Form Six, I went to Kuching to work.

During the time that I was working in Kuching, I received many blessings from God: I was offered a permanent job from being a part-time worker, and after a few months, I became a captain in the restaurant. But I felt something was missing in my life. I repeatedly asked myself ‘what is missing in my life’? Then, I realised, I still had the desire to become a priest. In Kuching also, I was very close to some of the diocesan priests, the Friars (OFM) from St. Ann Kota Padawan and the Franciscan sisters. Sometimes, I shared with them about my desire to become a priest. They were very friendly, helpful, and always willing to discern my vocation. Moreover, I attended two Sacerdotal Ordinations, one of Fr. David Au OFM in St. Ann Kota Padawan on July 2018, and the other of Fr John Direk in St. Joseph Cathedral Kuching. These moments encouraged me to enter the seminary. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to attend these special events.

Before I resigned from my work, I had reflected deeply on the decision I was going to make. I told my father about my resignation and asked his opinion. After that, I told my rector that I wanted to enter the seminary. It took a few months before I proceeded to English Year and Human Formation in Majori Centre in the Malacca Johore Diocese.

Praise the Lord, this year, I can further my studies in Initiation Year at College General Penang. “Lord, be it done to me according to Your Word” (Lk 1:38). I believe that, God has a great plan for me.

Charles Boromeo