College General is pleased to announce the revamp of our new website from [https://collegegeneral.et ...
Read MoreThe College General is a Roman Catholic interdiocesan seminary located in Tanjung Bungah, Penang, Malaysia. The college's foundation can be traced back to the 1665 establishment of the Seminary of Saint Joseph in Ayutthaya which was then the capital of Siam (now Thailand).
Know moreThe main objective of the Second Vatican Council is to “further deepening and constant actualization of Vatican II in the life of the Church.” The Council’s main task was to contribute to the renewal of the Church. This four-year long process of searching and reflection came from a deep sense of faith and of Church and it was nourished by the daily celebration of the Eucharist. It processed the will of God for the Church through reflection and exchange, through study with the help of highly qualified theologians and through the constant awareness of the active presence of the Spirit. All of these Council documents issued after much prayer, study, consultation and discussion are attempts to realize the goal of the Council to make the Church more effective in spreading the gospel of Christ and to make her more relevant to the modern world.…
view detailsThe aim of the Initiation, therefore, is to communicate this Vision to the students. Thus, in the words of Vatican II:”…the whole training of the students should be as its object to make them true shepherds of souls after the example of Our Lord Jesus Christ, teacher, priest and shepherd.” This course is designed: To prepare for philosophical and theological studies To provide a proper orientation To live and nourish this faith by an integral movement in spiritual and community activity To help the student to strengthen and nurture his specific vocation to the priesthood by a guided and reflection programme.…
view detailsWe aim to go through the Bible in the course recognizing how God intervenes in history, saving His people, culminating in Christ. Having gone through the entire course, the student is then equipped with the ‘big picture’ of God’s saving actions. The course also aims in allowing the Word to touch lives in order that our discipleship may be deepened.…
view detailsThis course aims to promote the correct instruction of the students so that they might as future priests thus be rendered more apt to understand clearly the character and force of the renewed sacred liturgy, to insert it into their own spiritual lives and into their daily conduct, and to communicate its richness suitably in their ministry to be faithful.…
view detailsCritical thinking is a skill that we have to develop in order to function fully as a person. It enables us to identify, evaluate and resolve issues in our relationships, workplace and other aspects of our lives. The aim of this one semester course is to create an awareness of the importance of critical thinking in all areas of our lives, and to assist us to become better critical thinkers.…
view detailsThis course presents the classical metaphysics of Being. In doing so it aims to give a foundation in Aristotelian-Thomistic metaphysics.…
view detailsThis course aims to further give students a firm basis in the Aristotelian-Thomistic metaphysics. Towards the end of the course, the students will find it easier to relate metaphysics with the cosmological study of mobile beings.…
view detailsThis Course on natural theology is seen as complementary and completing the course on Metaphysics. It seeks to offer a meaningful way in approaching the God-Question in the light of human reason.…
view detailsAt the end of the section on general metaphysics, the students will be introduced to cosmology as a subsection of metaphysics which aims to understand the cosmos and nature and even man from this metaphysical perspective and its relationship to theology.…
view detailsThis course studies the origin and development of Western philosophical thought by seeing the evolution of ideas which began in the classical Greek era.…
view detailsThis course aims to familiarize the students with the development of thought in the Medieval period. In doing so it will train them in the methods of philosophical reflection and also expose them to the problems of interpretation.…
view detailsThis course, which offers a study on how the Church Missions went along with the European discovery of the world including Asia, is for the students in the philosophy years.…
view detailsTo enhance integral spiritual growth through an understanding of the nature and dynamics of the human unconscious and its impact on behaviour patterns.…
view detailsThis course aims to provide the student to comprehend the contents of the Old Testament and to equip him to undertake a scientific study of the Old Testament with a view towards interpreting it for himself and the wider community.…
view detailsTo discover God as God works in creation, history and in our situation of today.…
view detailsThe course aims to provide the student to understand the origin as well as the development of the New Testament and to equip him to undertake a scientific study of the New Testament with a view towards interpreting it for himself and the wider community.…
view detailsTo lead the students to read the mind of the author and to see the relevance of his message both in his time and in our time.…
view detailsThe course aims to help the students become more aware of their communication potential and help them develop self-confidence in various communication roles and will learn the importance of response from the various audiences with whom they will try to communicate.…
view detailsThe medium of instruction for the seminary lectures is English hence students are required to be proficient in the language. Remedial English classes are offered according to individual student’s need. Tamil and Mandarin are languages which are indispensable to the pastoral ministry in Peninsular Malaysia. As such, students will have to learn either one of these languages.…
view detailsThis introductory course highlights and explores crucial questions and issues in philosophy of “Man as Lover of Wisdom” - a systematic study of human wisdom, including topics such as “The Purpose of Life”, “What is Wisdom?”…
view detailsThis course seeks to provide a general survey of the main current Western philosophical thoughts found in the 19th and 20th centuries. It examines its socio-political connection and links with contemporary issues. It also sees the recent development in Non-Western philosophies.…
view detailsThis course which is also called the philosophy of the human person examines the human person philosophically. It reflects on the human person’s actions, activities, nature and problems. The focal point is the person as a subject in relation to the world, others and God. This philosophical reflection is meant to assist the students to know themselves and live better as human persons in this post-modern world.…
view detailsIn the context of this contemporary age, the reliability of objective truth and certainty of knowledge is questioned and even doubted. This course, also known as Philosophy of Knowledge, while exploring the various theories of truth, aims to understand the notion of truth as in the Aristotelian-Thomistic theory of knowledge. It thus leads the students to respond to the epistemological issues with greater clarity and confidence.…
view detailsThis course aims to give an initial overview of the nature of logic and an introduction to formal Aristotelian logic and its use not only in philosophy but also in everyday life.…
view detailsThis course aims to enhance integral spiritual growth through an understanding of the nature and dynamics of the human unconscious and its impact on behavior patterns.…
view details“Grace builds on Nature” by integrating the findings of Developmental Psychology with Christian Spirituality. To understand the different stages of life-span development, the “crisis” of each stage, and its impact on spiritual growth. To trace the human journey toward self-actualization and to recognize its parallel in the spiritual journey.…
view detailsThis course aims for the student to study the dynamics of society by examining the sources and patterns of social continuity and change.…
view detailsThis course is an introduction to the Liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church and has its foundation in the Catholic Church's documents on the liturgy. The Liturgy of the Word, The Liturgical Year and the introduction to Eastern Liturgy emphasize the liturgical history of both the Western and Eastern rites. These courses embrace the history of Christian Liturgy from its beginnings and developments to the present post Vatican II framework. Seminarians will be enlightened to discover and examine the various important liturgical sources. This course will be an introduction and foundation toward a deeper understanding of Liturgical practices in a faith lived community.…
view detailsBeginning with man's experience of the ultimate reality, the first section of this course analyses the phenomenological structures of religious experience and its expressions. It thus aims at helping the students understand the fundamental structures of the main religions in multi-religious Malaysia. The second part of the course deals with the Christian view of the plurality of religions and the Church's stand towards them. It server to introduce and integrate the study of the other religions: Islam and Sikhism and Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism.…
view detailsProfessor of Philosophy