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28 Mar, 2021
Turkana, Kenya, North Africa, was where I first responded to my calling to the Holy Catholic Priesthood. It was during my missionary works in the hot blazing desert, with no food nor water and being totally disconnected from technology and the outside world, I encountered Jesus. In all the poverty, my heart was filled with joy. I said ‘yes’ to this Jesus who had been calling me since I was a little boy. It was through the examples of great priests in my life that I began to love this vocation.
However, my applications to seminary didn’t go through for many reasons. So, I worked hard to be successful in life and became the top Manager of a fitness company in Kuala Lumpur, ran my own entertainment business as a Professional Emcee, travelling around the world and was enjoying my life. I then began to grow further and further away from this Jesus that wants me to love me. I was busy loving the creations while the Creator wanted to love me. I focused on everything else but God. I stopped going for masses, hardly prayed and was a very egoistic, snobbish and self-centered man. Women, money, parties, pleasures. That was all I focused on. Little did I realize this Jesus was faithfully waiting for me to return to His love.
I got engaged to a beautiful woman, and was months away from our intended wedding day. I thought I was happy. The love of my life, fame and popularity, power and material possessions, were all mine! But, deep down inside me, I was lying to myself. There was a deep, dry and dark feeling of emptiness and pain. I was depressed, lost and uncertain. Suddenly this world I had built no longer satisfies me. I spoke to a Priest friend, and he says I might need to reconsider my vocation. I went for retreats, prayed hard and begged God for His mercy. It was then, His gentle voice whispered in my heart saying “I didn’t create you for this. Come, follow me and I will lead you home. I have greater things for you. I will love you more than you love your possessions and anyone could ever love you.”
Now, this was a death sentence at first. It meant I had to cancel my wedding, let go of my jobs, income and status in society. It was only through deep prayer, tears and trust in Jesus that I began to see this as a moment of rebirth. God has other plans for my life, and it is only to love me more. The day I finally said yes to this calling, and met my bishop was when I felt the joy and peace in my heart! It was like, I’m finally… home. Yes! Home! I felt like it all made sense now, and that I am called to do more than just for myself. No. Jesus wanted me to serve Him and His church.
Here I am, in College General in my 3rd year of formation. Has it been easy? No way! Has it been joyful and worthwhile? In every way! I have no regrets following Christ along this path, and I pray many more men will join me and experience this real joy and peace the world cannot give.
Joseph Uva