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28 Mar, 2021
When I was asked to share my vocation story, I wondered where and how to begin. To be honest, I don’t have any special or magical experiences to share with you guys. The only thing I have since I was a child is the little tiny desire and doubt that wanted to know who Jesus Christ is.
My family is converted Catholic family, meaning to say, the knowledge about Catholicism is still very young. Only 6 years later, after their baptism (1994), my parent started to involve actively in the local church ministry. Both of them serving as Iban Mass sacristan and one of local home prayer group leader until now. Meanwhile, my other two siblings and me myself is one of the Miri Human Life Service’s Pro-life speakers and St. John Bosco, Miri Diocese Iban youth founder and leader. After 3 years serving as one of the Gospel of Life little disciple’s and 1 year of serving as youth coordinator, only then I very clear with what I wanted and desire for in my life. I not need to think and be perfectly ready to answer his calling, but just do whatever he tells me to do (John 2:5). No doubt, it is not an easy process, but that rough process helps me to keep on going to get closer to my life goal: To serves Jesus in this pilgrim world.
As a result, the little desire and doubt of wanted to know who is Jesus Christ led me to the goal that is not mine, but the master’s. But what’s tying me and the master? The truth, and joy that keep the goal going.
Tarence Joe