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28 Mar, 2021
Kuala Lumpur
A question proposes that there is an answer for it like asking a person’s age is on the assumption that the person knows his age, so to speak. Every question solicits a response or an action. Some questions are so radical and entrenched into us that it makes us ponder deeply about them again and again like a ghost that constantly haunts us. A question like “have you ever thought of becoming a priest?” is so simple yet difficult to answer because it demands putting my trust on the ultimate person who inspire another to ask this question, who is God.
I was born as a Buddhist, grew up in Kuching and I was on the search for God. My search brought me to Kuala Lumpur, a place which was very foreign to me. One day I was invited for Mass and upon entering the church, it felt like coming back home again after a very long wandering. The words of St Augustine of Hippo describe the experience accurately that “our hearts are restless until they can find rest in God (you).” So, on that year I decided to undertake RCIA in a hope that I will be baptized the following year. I got to know a colleague of mine who is a Catholic and has been teaching RCIA in another parish for years. One fine day, she asked me “have you ever thought of becoming a priest?” I brushed the question aside by giving many excuses because I was very fearful of the consequences that entail such as giving up my own idea of what happiness is, such as getting a good job and having a family of my own. I too was struggling with my own unworthiness to be called.
I tried to run away from the question or God actually. In exchange for not calling me or asking God to leave me alone, I will do anything else besides asking me that question. I began to be active in my parish with activities such as RCIA and BEC. I joined CHOICE weekend and many other activities organized in the parish and Archdiocese. In doing all these, I found joy in serving others and each day I looked forward going for these activities. I will try my best to complete my work and go for these activities. But, the question never ceased to linger in my mind each day like an uninvited quest who would not go back home despite being given many signs and told to shorten their stay.
Our hearts can change but not God’s unfailing love. I took the courage to go for the vocation stay-in in College General in 2012. It was during the manual labor to pluck the rambutans, a voice spoke in my heart, “there are so many red rambutans and there are only three of you plucking them. If these fruits are not being plucked, it will spoil. The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few (Matthew 9:37).” I went back to KL and started my discernment to enter the seminary. In a blink of an eye, I am now in my 3rd year in the seminary (2nd Year Philosophy) as I am writing this. There is nothing impossible for God as long as we are willing to trust Him completely.
Good things are meant to be shared. For those who are reading this, I will leave you with this question “have you ever thought of becoming a priest?”.
Joseph Tan