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28 Mar, 2021
What is so amazing about having our first cup of coffee in the morning or going to the gym before anything else? Since when has it becomes a lifestyle or just because they make us happy? All these are considered secondaries because there are many more things in life that are more important. As for me, I find myself happy when I say the rosary every day because there is something mysterious about it and I have always wanted to be able to say the rosary since I was a little boy. Then we have the scriptures, parables and even the Psalms that we can relate ourselves to that it becomes personal to each one of us. I found my calling in the parable of the prodigal son and this is my story.
In 2009, I was in Michigan, United States of America for my Bachelor. It took me awhile to graduate because in the midst of my academics, I was busier on the street with friends than the President and we would go to the club almost every night, staying up at odd hours and doing unnecessary things instead. Then I began to get myself into a lot of troubles which was uncalled for. In 2012, I decided to quit college and follow my dreams which led me to Washington D.C. I thought it was all that I ever wanted and with all the fancy lifestyles. Eight months later, I got relocated to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was quite a journey where I found myself being unfulfilled most of the time as if something was missing in my life.
At this very point in life, I began to asked myself a lot questions about the life that I was living. I decided that I was going to recollect myself and achieve something in life that I can be proud of instead of bumping around which is quite a routine. In 2014 that fall, I returned to Michigan to complete my Bachelor. During my stay in D.C, there was a particular Catholic Church that runs charity for the poor and homeless in serving lunch and dinner in the basement hall. I found it very noble and amazing about such humble services to serve the unfortunate and I was really interested to experience in serving others. I figured it was a starting point at that time that I had turned back to God one way or the other and there was something about Church and service that was always in the back of my mind ever since.
In Milwaukee, I discovered the same thing but just more. I started to return to church and attended most weekend masses where I was able to experience the beauty and sovereignty of God’s love. I can’t explain how or words can comprehend what I am trying to say but it moves me from within. When I returned to Michigan, I got involved with Church activities a lot and I also graduated college with a Bachelor in BioMed a year later. I was also able to learn how to recite the rosary by myself with the help of Youtube of course, can you imagine that. That was a great achievement at least for me because it was what my heart desired. Then slowly I began to discover God’s mercy but it questioned me though, why do I continue to ignore God when He has a plan for me. I realized that it is God’s will as long as He leads me to what He wants of me. So, I began to seek for a spiritual director in helping me to discern my vocation. But why the priesthood though? It was during my journey with my initial spiritual director who helped me to listen to what God is trying to tell me and with the help of the bible, Christ is my inspiration and I want to imitate everything about him. Eventually I fell in love with the ministry of Christ and the mission of the church.
Back to the parable of the prodigal son, sometimes I relate myself to the youngest son who wonders into the wild and spends all his inheritance. Other times, I behave like the oldest son who couldn’t see all that the father has given and still counting. And most of the time, I was blind to realize the love of the father because I am limiting myself to meet God all the way. God does not meet us half way but it is I who decided to meet God half way. This parable is personal to me regardless how sinful and sorrowful I am, but if I am willing to repent and turn back to God, He will run to me just as the father who ran to his lost son who is now found. Therefore, it reminds me every day, to meet God all the way and to respond to His calling.
Mark Edward