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28 Mar, 2021
Kota Kinabalu
My vocation started since my childhood during my time in Beaufort, Sabah. I have 5 siblings and we are living the catholic faith. However, my parents’ marriage was not solemnized in the church due to my father’s previous marriage. I was baptized in 1997 when I was 10 and confirmed when I was in primary 6.
I was active serving as an altar boy in St. Valentine Beaufort and most of the time I like to see the priest saying mass. During that time only 1 priest was serving, Fr. Boniface Kimsin always preached about vocation and invited all baptized youths to consider being a priest or religious. Although I was still very young at that time, I opened my heart to this and even in my school record yearly assessment, it stated that my ambition is to be a priest. For me, this is the first stage of my vocation.
As I grew up, my perception about priesthood became clearer. I love to serve in the choir, involving in youths’ events and joining prayer groups in St. John Tuaran, Sabah. I consistently accompanied Fr. Nicholas Stephen for pastoral visits in rural areas that we could only visit once or twice a year and the laypeople there who really yearned for the Eucharist and the presence of the priest. This is a common issue especially in Sabah due to the shortage of priest. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” (Luke 10:2); This scripture enlightened me to the path that I must follow and fulfill.
After extensive discernment, I found that priesthood is the way that I can serve God and proclaim the word of God. My encounter with God is so pleasurable although there are ups and downs, yet God still choose me to be His servant even though I am not worthy to serve him. If God wills, I want to be a priest that can be an example to our youth. However, if my journey does not lead me to the priesthood, I still want to serve God as a lay person.
I said yes to the seminary last year during the Vocation Retreat in Keningau, Sabah. God’s calling is mysterious, at first there was no intention to join the seminary in 2019 due to financial issues and unfinished tasks. However, God’s calling was so strong that I could not refuse anymore.
Now in 2021, I am in my 2nd year philosophy in College General, Penang and I hope that I can continue my journey here and to be more faithful and serious in my journey towards the priesthood.