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28 Mar, 2021
The first nudging from God came when I was still very young, I could not remember what age, but I was still naïve to the real meaning of the Mass. I used to feel intrigued with the role of a priest especially during consecration. I noticed that everybody had their eyes fixed at the centre of the altar and there were bells ringing, incense, chanting, etc, everything seemed to be so grand and solemn. Of course, my mom would tell me that Jesus was right there, and I used to always wonder, how did a priest do that - turning a white simple piece of bread into Jesus who is the God of the universe? It was not that I understood everything, but it was more like magic to me.
As the years went by, I started to understand more and more about the Eucharist until I fell in love with it. Eucharistic adoration has become something very dear to me. During the adoration, instead of thinking I am spending time with the Lord, it is more like the Lord who created the universe is present in such a humble state to spend time with me whenever I feel joyful, distressed, excited, anxious, grateful and hopeless.
I decided to enter the seminary after a year of serious discernment at the age of 30. I knew that it was time for me to respond to His nudges which I had been keeping aside all this while. However, all those years were not spent in vain, but they contributed to the build-up of my character. Instead of thinking about the things I had given up, I am more excited to live fully to the new purpose He has given me. Entering the seminary was just like a baby step in saying yes to God as a long journey is awaiting ahead. I hope that one day I will be an inspiration for some kids in the congregation, feeling awe with what I will be doing at the centre of the altar.
Joseph Wong