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28 Mar, 2021
Kota Kinabalu
“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few,” Mt 9: 37.
This verse probably marked the initial start of my journey where I desired to be a priest. But that desire is not an overnight thought and decision. When I was in form five, I just admired the ministry of the priests that came occasionally in our church (now parish). They served full of joy and spirit while celebrating the Mass and when mingling with the parishioners. During that time, it was just the amazing physical appearance of a priest that made them looked admirable to me. Then I continued enjoyed my studies until college and worked for some time. During that period for almost ten years, it never came across in my mind to be a priest although I came and served regularly in the church that I attended.
I come from a family that needs to work hard to make sure there is food on the table for nine members of my family. I remember that all my siblings need to help our parents to work in the farm. This difficult situation urged me to change my mindset to get a better job. When I first started my career, my focus was to gain as much money and to get married. There were many more other desires that I wanted to plan for my future besides helping my big family. When I was on the fourth or fifth year of working in a company, I was so disturbed by the feeling of wanting to be a priest. Many times I tried to ignore it but the feeling kept growing. So, I looked for a priest that can help me in discerning on what was playing in my thoughts and mind. During this period, I really ask God to show me the way that he wanted me to follow. I was actually a little bit under the pressure due to this situation because I had no idea where to begin.
God is always good. I met a priest who I finally I journeyed with in his ministry after sending my resignation letter to the company that I was working for. The experience of working as a pastoral worker touched me a lot especially the lack of priest to serve the flock that needs special attention. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.” After more than a year of discernment and retreats, finally in 2017, I joined the vocation seminar and then was accepted for the English year (Aspirancy Year) formation in Kota Kinabalu.
Keep me in your daily prayer as I pray for you.
Heldy Amin
Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu