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28 Mar, 2021
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
It all started after I completed my Form 5 when I am thinking about vocation to the priesthood. In school, I was involved in the Catholic student’s group and helping when there is Mass at school. Usually, we will have Mass once a month because we are in boarding school. Of course, at that time there are many other things that came to my mind; whether to continue my studies, or to work.
I took the courage to see the parish priest of my hometown parish of St. Ann in Padawan after Sunset Mass on a Saturday evening. My hometown parish was under the pastoral of the Franciscan friars (OFM) and at that time I knew some of the religious order as well, apart from the diocesan priest. I asked him about vocation to the priesthood and eventually he advised me to think deeper about it and best to further my studies or to go look for a job and explore the outside world first since I was still very young. He also gave me the option to consider religious life. And so, I did as he told me.
Times flew by and I worked for 5 years (2014-2018) and studied at the same time as well. I graduated with a Diploma in Early Childhood Music Teaching and worked as a music tutor at a private music academy in Kuching. In those five years I was actively involved in the church choir ministry. But this time it was not at my hometown parish but at the parish of Holy Trinity Kenyalang in Kuching. This has become my new parish because it was nearer to my workplace.
I was just an ordinary choir member when I first joined them. Slowly I learned and became the psalmist or cantor for Sunday Mass and became the pianist also since I have music background.
The feeling or the urge for vocation come back again where I feel attracted to the service in the church and wanted to serve the people. I recalled when I thought of the priesthood 5 years ago in 2013.
Therefore, in September 2018, I once again took the courage to see my parish priest. This time it was a diocesan priest. It took me about three months before I finally made my final decision and said yes to enter the seminary in December.
After being interviewed by my Archbishop, he sent me for the Initiation Years formation in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah in February 2019. Currently I am in my Second Year Philosophy formation in College General Major Seminary in Penang. Being in the seminary formation for more than two years have taught me many new experiences as well as friendship in terms of community life. Not to forget also all the knowledge that I learned from the formators. I also learned to know myself better and become more matured with the guidance of my brothers in formation.
I am fortunate and grateful to be in this formation and I am thankful to those who have guided and journeyed with me for they are the ones who inspired and motivated me. All this has helped me to grow in so many ways. God bless!
‘amare et servire’ - To love and to serve
Cantona Anak Cyril
Archdiocese of Kuching