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28 Mar, 2021
When I was studying in SMK Batang Igan, I always followed Fr. Patrick Masang and my auntie Lucia travelled to the out-station of St Bernard Parish, Dalat for masses. Sometimes, we stayed overnight in those kampongs and spent valuable times and shared our faith to people of God. These experiences brought me to think about becoming a priest in the future.
When I was working in Johor, one day, I went to St Teresa Masai, Johor, I knelt in front of the Grotto of Mother Mary and asked God to call me back to my home place and serve His people. God is wonderful, nothing is impossible in God’s hand. I got an offer to work at Press Metal Sarawak, Mukah, Sarawak. When I was posted at Mukah, I had the opportunities to come closer to God as well as relationship with catholic community in my kampong. In other words, more involvement in the church allowed me to see the beauty of life in Jesus Christ. As a result, I became Chairman for St Francis Xavier Chapel, Kampung Bungan Kecil for the period of 2012-2014 and 2014-2016.
In December 2015, the third week of Advent (Year of Mercy), the Gospel Acclamation; The Spirit of the Lord was given to me. He has sent me to bring good news to the poor (Is 61:1) inspired me and with this encounter with Christ, I opened my heart to serve more. In 2016, I joined catechist training at St Joseph’s Mission Animation Centre, Sentosa, Sibu. During this training, I discussed with Fr Simon Lau (Parish Priest) about my desire to be a priest and he brought me to meet our Bishop. It was my first step entering the Diocesan priesthood formation. I went through 2 years (2017 and 2018) in CDC Kota and another year at MAJODI Johor (2019) but still have not managed to score band 4 in MUET examination.
In this time of struggle, I can feel the seed of vocation growing. People around support me, especially My Bishop, Bishop Joseph Hii who always inspires me by his hard work for the Diocese.
Last year I did a huge step to enter College General Penang. I personally am not an individual who loves reform. Acceptance and fellowship at the College General has helped and enabled me to adapt to new life norms especially community life in a variety of backgrounds. Community that share the same journey in the formation house. In general, we are formed to continue to grow in faith and relationships as well as healing many participate. Getting to know each other better gives us space to see the needs of each individual. I did not deny at the beginning that the formation was very challenging but now I see it as a blessing coming from our God. In CG we also know each other's limitations, we are always cheerful and ready to help one another. Openness to formation gives us incredible strength to keep moving together. I believe this is not just our effort, but God’s intervention is the foundation for reform and formation. God’s gifts and blessings bear fruit through each individual who works hard to prepare us for God’s mission.