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28 Mar, 2021
“God is powerful and HE can help me to pass my exams!” This was my conviction when I was in my primary school. I used to do multiple prayer petitions for my exams and true enough, I passed my UPSR exam with flying colors. Similar conviction persisted when I was in Form 3 and as proof, God blessed me with an excellent result in my PMR, so I decided to join the altar servers as a way of showing my gratitude to God for his faithfulness. Basically, my simple faith in God for our mutual benefit was my top priority at this stage of my life.
However, my relationship with God changed as I begin my duty as the altar server, to assist during the liturgical celebrations and to accompany the parish priest during services to visit the housebound sick and needy. A deep sense of satisfaction and fulfilment enriched my soul when I was serving God and his people. I also began to see God as a friend who cared for me.
As my personal relationship with God deepened, I started to wonder in awe…… contemplating God’s greatness in creating such a massive universe with such precision and order. During those moments, God sowed the desire in my heart to become a Catholic Priest. I had a very strong desire to seek and understand this magnificent God and to share Him with the world!
Now with this zeal in my heart, I started to journey with my parish priest Rev Fr Michael Dass. I was inspired by his humility and love for the people. We had many conversations about the Church and God. However, my “discernment” journey with Fr Dass halted after I entered University Teknologi Petronas (UTP) in 2007. My five years in UTP marked a very mediocre “faith development” period because I was too busy and occupied with university events and exams. My desire to priesthood slowly faded away.
In 2012, I started to work with the PETRONAS CARIGALI as a Petroleum engineer, offshore of Sabah. I had a wonderful team and exciting corporate ventures. After 5 years in PETRONAS and with a very rewarding career experience and compensation, I began to realize that work satisfaction and monetary rewards alone were not sufficient to fill a void in my soul. I still felt that there was something missing from my life. I often travelled looking to find that sense of satisfaction and fulfilment, yet I was still unable to fill that void. The classical quote by St Augustine, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee” often pierced my soul and came to mind. I also felt inspired and moved whenever I listened to a priest preaching about “the harvest is great, but the laborers are few” gospel verse.
Hence, in 2017, I attended a vocation camp. I also made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land and other spiritual places looking for signs and assurance from God. One of the Franciscan priests who I really admire, Rev Fr Andrew Manickam, played an important role in guiding me at this stage of my life. After two years, and finally in 2019, I decided to resign from Petronas Carigali to join College General and to begin my priesthood journey. I am determined to follow the advice given by Our Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary, at the wedding in Cana, “Do whatever He tells you.” As Jesus begins his public ministry, I too shall begin mine.
God is Great, Life is Great.