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28 Mar, 2021
Philosophy of Man I & II
This course which is also called the philosophy of the human person examines the human person philosophically. It reflects on the human person’s actions, activities, nature and problems. The focal point is the person as a subject in relation to the world, others and God. This philosophical reflection is meant to assist the students to know themselves and live better as human persons in this post-modern world.
Philosophy of Man I:
Existential, hermeneutical and narrative approaches would be used to treat the following human aspects of life: corporality, knowledge, language, culture, work, politics, and religiosity.
Philosophy of Man II:
Substantial unity of the human person, the human subject and inter-subjectivity, freedom, morality and death.
Class participation: 20%
Individual/Group presentation: 20%
2 hour written exam: 60%
Barbo, F.R., Philosophy of Man: An Outline, Hortus Conclusus, Rome:, 2001
Mieczyslaw, K, I-Man: An Outline on Philosophical Anthropology, Mariel Publications, New Britain, Connecticut, 1985
Mondin, B, Philosophical Anthropology, Man: An Impossible Project, TPI, Bangalore, 1986
Montemayor, F, Introduction to Philosophy: Through the Philosophy of Man, National Bk Store, Manila, 1995
Reichmann, J.B., Philosophy of the Human Person, Loyola University Press, Chicago, 1985
Royce, J.E., Man and Meaning, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969
To be confirmed
Fr. Stephen Lim